Are you a design minded professional?

Are you

  • Ambitious & hard working?

  • Changing the world towards a better place?

  • Or towards a more human & educated society?

  • In need of solution for a tough problem?


Do you

  • Understand the importance of design for a changing world?

  • Understand the value of creative and empathic mindsets such as Design Thinking?

  • Love to collaborate with an international crowd?


Then you are our Design Minded Professional and we would love to work with you!

Let me explain how we ended up at your doorstep.


When we re-designed our studio, we carefully looked at our audience. We really wanted to understand who we worked for, which clients we liked and which ones we liked less. We looked at our audience first before we looked at our clients. 

Audience vs client

Our audience is the people we work with. The client is the company that pays us. Example. University X is the client, but we work with professor Y who understands the value of design. Professor Y is in our audience, the person we collaborate with. The professor hires us at the end, not the university, the university just pays. It is also important that we get payed of course. Sometimes our audience is also our client for example when they are freelancers or small companies.


Defining our audience

We really tried to understand who we are working for and what were the common factors of the people we collaborated with.

What stood out were two things:

  1. They are very ambitious & hard working in changing the world for the better, either towards a better planet or towards a more humane & educated society.

  2. They all understand the value of design & design thinking, but are lacking design skills, because they have another core profession and another skill set. One we don’t have.

When we understood these common factors, we started recognizing them in the people we work(ed) with, we immediately understood what our audience was;

The design minded professional.

Now it became more easy to reach out to people we want to collaborate with, because we recognize them from afar. And even more easy to recognize the people we don’t want to work with. We discovered our niche! The pieces of the puzzle fell into place, because now we could also start explaining our Graphic Design Thinking offers to our clients, because we could match their needs/ pains with our value propositions

Are you a design minded professional? Then we would love to work with you. Get in touch if we can help you excel in your work with the use of design and design thinking!

Author: Jeroen Spoelstra
Images: Unsplash

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